Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 28: Dog Soldiers

A true modern werewolf classic in the vein of Aliens!

So i've been doing this blog for 28 days now, and have been reviewing mostly obscure films that no one has heard about.  Even though i'm a horror fan, there are some "classics" that I have yet to watch.  Well, we can scratch this film off my list now, and yes it lives up to all the hype I have heard through the years.  A masterful, action-filled suspense thriller, Neil Marshall really knows how to do this!  His other movie The Descent is great claustrophobic fun, and this film is just a rollercoaster ride.  This is how you do it folks...

Much as in Aliens we are dealing with a group of military men against a foreign beast.  The movie starts off with an exercise involving Pvt Cooper (Kevin McKidd) trying to gain entrance to special forces.  He is caught and ordered to shoot a dog by Capt. Ryan (Liam Cunningham).  He refuses and does not get in.  Flash forward to another training exercise with Cooper and his fellow men, Sgt. Harry Wells (Sean Pertwee), Prvt. Terry Milburn (Leslie Simpson), Spoon Witherspoon (Darren Morfitt), Prvt Joe Kirkley (Chris Robson), and Cpl Bruce Campbell (Thomas Lockyer) against a special forces group in the wilderness.  They are soon summoned by a flare shot by Capt Ryan who has been mauled by "something"...and he utters "there should have only been one".  

Soon after they are attacked and are on the run from a pack of werewolves.  Oh and Harry is hurt pretty badly, so it's lucky that they run in Megan, who has been studying the creatures for awhile.  He takes the platoon back to a house nearby to hold up until sunrise.  Cooper takes over the leader role, while the Sgt. tries to get over his wounds caused by one of the werewolves.  And then Megan gives them the bad news, that they are miles away from any kind of help.  It's just them, in the house, fighting for their lives.  Can they survive until dawn?  What is capt. Ryan up too, and why does he act like he's up to something.  Are the prvt's experienced enough to survive the encounter?  These answers and more are answered as plot twist after plot twist turns this film into a thrilling exercise in action horror filmaking.

Once again the acting is fantastic in this.  Cooper is a very likable hero, and I really liked Sarge as well.  His story about a friend of his getting blown up overseas while on drill is heartbreaking...very good acting here.  The main thing this movie has going for it is the pacing....Marshall knows how to create suspense and delivers some great action along the way.  You get the feeling watching this, that there is no safe place in this house period, that you are always just one step away from a gory death.  And the gore in this movie is quite graphic at times.  Get used to seeing intestines hanging outside of bodies...both dead and alive.  The musical score by Mark Thomas just builds suspense like all good horror movies do.  And, much like Aliens, once this movie gets cranked up, it does not slow down...edge of your seat suspense and action all the way to the explosive finale.  Just a great movie overall...I didn't spoil much for those who have not seen it, because it should be seen by all horror fans.  I dont' know why I waited as long as I did.

Overall, this is a must see.  Great action, performances, creepy effects, gore...what more could you want from a horror movie.  There is a reason this movie is held in such high regard amongst horror enthusiasts.  The best werewolf movie i've ever seen!

9.5 out of 10

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